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Vision: EVOLVE COLLECTIVE believes that artists can save the planet.

What we do: EVOLVE COLLECTIVE works at the intersection of visual arts, ecology, healing, and community. We see the arts and spirituality as unique vehicles for creating personal, social, and environmental change. We partner with and support visual artists and healing arts practitioners to foster human and community flourishing.  


What we believe: EVOLVE COLLECTIVE serves as a platform for the spiritual evolution the natural world is calling us to. We see the climate crisis as the training ground for humans to evolve to a higher sense of awareness, consciousness, and action. Artists and healing arts practitioners are the visionaries and community leaders who will guide us on this path. By supporting their work and introducing the visual arts and healing arts to the next generation, we are leading the charge for transformation and making way for creatives who will sustain this critical work.


Three pillars: Artists as Change Agents, Spiritual Infrastructure, Ecological Hope


Artists as Change Agents: Artists and healing arts practitioners are the agents of change that will deliver new ideas and visions for the future. But many of them experience burnout and despair when faced with the complexities of life–war, political unrest, and ecological crisis. We must create time and space for these cultural bearers to rest and regenerate themselves. As artists and healers become more resilient at the individual level, they can be the beacons we need them to be in their communities.​


Spiritual Infrastructure: Part of EVOLVE COLLECTIVE’s core work is to provide spiritual nourishment to artists, young people, and our community. By sharing the practices of Reiki, yoga, and meditation, we will equip folks with the tools they need to sustain their creative work.


Ecological Hope: Many in our youngest generation think of themselves as the last generation. Fear and despair come easy in the face of ecological crisis, but that is the opposite of what's needed now. We need a mindset shift, narrative change, and the drive to action because what we think, feel, say, and do creates our reality.


We need imagination, healing, and the willingness to throw everything we've got at a better future. To avoid ecological disaster, we need a profound change of philosophy, one that recognizes the complex unity and kinship of humans, plants, and all living things. We believe one of the best ways to do this is to tend to a community garden and offer meditation and movement practices that support folks in building a new world.


Key Program: Radical Rest + Regeneration Residency

Born out of the premise that creating art is a generous act, the Radical Rest + Regeneration (RRR) Residency is a space for artists and healing arts practitioners to replenish themselves to sustain their creative work. The residency invites rest, reflection, and rejuvenation through community building and strengthens well-being through spiritual practice. Ultimately, RRR Residency encourages a deeper connection with ourselves, our communities, and our planet. The primary function of the residency is for artists to rest and recharge. Artists can engage in spiritual practices, including Reiki, that can serve as an energetic support system that brings balance and wholeness to their lives. 

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"As an artist, educator, Reiki practitioner, and mother of a 2-year-old son, I feel compelled to throw everything I've got at creating a world that is cared for and endures for future generations. I believe artists are our best shot at reimagining our reality and making this new world."
-Monica Lynn Manoski, EVOLVE COLLECTIVE Founder

Founder's Story

Monica Lynn Manoski grew up on a landfill in Northwest Indiana. Her early days were spent creatively advocating for herself, convincing her parents that days spent with her stand-in grandma were richer than attending any preschool and persuading them to let her drop out of Catholic school in fifth grade. She always had a sense that she could change the world, even if it was her own very tiny piece of it. While working as a Teach for America corps member on the South Side of Chicago, she led her school in a community-wide peace walk, and following the 2016 election, she created and installed political yard signs across New England to inspire love. She was a 2021 LEADS fellow working with a cross-sector group to drive systems change in the Merrimack Valley. In 2022, she served in the Essex County Community Foundation's ChangeMaker cohort, working to create a supportive arts ecosystem. Monica performed Notes on Creative Evolution and Making a Better World as part of her commencement address for the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University in 2024. She lives in Lawrence, Massachusetts, with her husband and son, where she is the Executive Director of Essex Art Center and working to save the planet with her artist friends. 


Do you want to save the planet too? Let's connect.

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